Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Marketing Strategy Tutorial Class - Magnum Ads

1. Comment on Magnum commercial break 

I think the advertising is quite interesting and attractive. Beside the pretty model that instantly draws the audience attention and Magnum usual vibe of luxury, it also delivers the message loud and clear that Magnum is such a delectable and irresistibly delicious ice cream product that a customer will do anything (even jumping in people's cars O.o) to get it to relieve their stress immediately. It also give enough information about the product flavor and ingredients to lure the viewer to buy the product.
2. Why do they have premium segmentation?

In its advertisement, Magnum has clearly give a message that it is a high end ice cream product, with high quality ingredients and luxurious vibe from either the people who eats it or the environment or situation in the advertisement. This makes it clear that it is for the premium segmentation. Moreover, compared with other Walls products, Magnum has the most expensive price that also create the premium segmentation for them.
3. Why do they choose emotional customer to buy product?

Because emotional customer can be educated or drilled of the idea that when they feeling down or low, they can just eat Magnum to relieve their stress, it is basically the usual theme in Magnum advertising. Emotion is also something that happen regularly to people, and thus, by dictating that Magnum can make them feel better, they hope that people will regularly buy their products,

4. Do you think Billboard still exist now? Do you used it to promote your product?

Yes, billboard is still can be easily found in some of the city streets. Some brand still used it because it is cheaper than television ads and can reach more people in a certain area. 
I won't use it to promote my product if it was a new products, because Billboard is basically better for big brands that can easily be recognized by people in passing glance-- since people won't be really paying attention when driving right? . So it needs to be a brand that a customer had been familiar with and can easily recognize when they pass the billboard.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Marketing Strategy Tutorial Class

1. Why is supply chain strategy so important?
Supply chain strategy is so important because a good one would result in value creation for your organization. There are some other reason too, the first one is that supply chain strategy is needed to operationalize and support your business strategy; the second one is that supply chain strategy also focuses on driving down operational costs and maximizing efficiencies; and the third one is that it helps on establishing how you work with your supply chain partners.

2. How to develop a supply chain strategy?
There are few step in developing a supply chain strategy, 
(1) Understand the Business Strategy
The first step is for supply chain executives to clearly understand how the enterprise choose to compete. this is important not only for the obvious reason of working off the "same play book", but also for the reason that it forces the supply chain operation to see itself as a customer facing entity serving the competitive goal of the enterprise.
(2)Assess the Extended Supply Chain
 The next step is to conduct a detailed, realistic assessment of the capabilities that exist within the organization and even the extended supply chain. A formal supply chain assessment by a non-biased outside party may assist you in a better understanding your operational strength and opportunities for improvement. Once the assessment is complete, assemble a team to review and prioritize recommendations, validate the opportunities, define the risks and the requirements for implementations.
(3)Develop an Implementation Plan
The development of implementation plan should include activities and tasks, roles, responsibilities, a corresponding time line, and performance metrics.  
(4)Development Considerations
- Cooperate and Collaborate with Your Partners
Throughout the development process remember to include your supply chain partner. Ideally, seek out mutual goals that both organizations can execute on.
- Outsource Where Appropriate 
If someone else can do it cheaper , it may be worth outsourcing not only to drive down the costs, but also to focus more resources on the core competencies your organization does well.

3. What are the differences that you have experience in buying a product through a physical retail store and an online store? What are the differences in their supply chain strategy?
There are several differences, in a traditional store, we can physically experience the merchandises, while in online, we could only see through pictures or products descriptions. A physical store is needed to be visited in its location to buy things--which can be some significant distances away, while an online store can be visited anywhere we can online. A physical store can probably have more easy communication with its buyer than an online store which tends to be more impersonal, which will also leads to a better probability of good relationship with the customer  for a physical store. 
A supply chain strategy is how an organization should operate its supply chain in order to compete; and the strength and weakness of an online and physical store is different, thus the supply chain strategy of them are different too. A good supply chain strategy should be able to maximize its strength and minimizing its weaknesses.